Here are five good things! Plus a picture of the number 5.

Are the days getting longer?
Hell yes! The days are indeed getting longer!*
*Offer limited to northern hemisphere.
A Serious Discount on My New Novel:
I’m slightly obsessed with Tertulia, a new book discovery app that’s like if Rotten Tomatoes and a bookstore and a book club all had a baby. They’ve picked my new novel as a February staff pick and are very generously offering a 25% discount (and free shipping) for my SubMakk subscribers on pre-orders of I Have Some Questions For You, good through the pub date of 2/21!
Here’s the link. To get my book at 25% off with free shipping, add SUBMAKK as a code at the check-out. Just make sure to opt into the free trial of membership of Tertulia. (Nothing tricky, you can opt out later, no contracts signed in blood.) It only works if you’re in the US. (Think of it as a consolation prize for, you know, living through the past six years in the US.)
Preorders, by the way, no matter where they’re from, make the world go ‘round for authors.
I just found this picture
of the outfit my older daughter laid out for school when she was six.
She’s 15 now. She would never wear pink anymore, but she does want to study theater in college. GO FIGURE.
I’m doing a tour…
You can click through here to register for an event near you. More coming soon… I see you, DC, LA, Milwaukee, Miami…!
A Recipe for You!
I recently found this punch recipe in a bartending book from the 1930s. I assume you make it in a swimming pool:
If anyone tries this, please let me know how it turns out!*
*Please also call Poison Control
Okay, thing 5.1:
As a thank-you to paid subscribers of this newsletter, I’m going to do a special paid subscriber book club (some behind-the-scenes content, relevantly embarrassing pics of me in high school, a discussion board, an Ask Me Anything) the week after the book comes out. You can start sending your questions now…
I am your biggest fan outside your known friends and family. Really. Have been planning to preorder your upcoming book and just did. Can’t wait. How bout you serve the recipe you included at an undisclosed book tour location? Requirements would include fans organize providing the ingredients. I’ll take the lead.
Not a very unique question, but one I'd like to know, please. Please tell us about your writing process. By which I mean, how do you corral all the bits (index cards? Scrivener?) Do you do all the research first, and then start writing, or just plow ahead and figure you'll fill in later? Or, do you write something that comes from a topic or thing that you've already been curious about? Sorry that this is not a well-crafted set of questions. Could you just ignore all that and tell about your process? I realize mine is probably different, but I always feel like mine is just WRONG. Please and thank you.