It’s the weekend and it’s getting cold here in Chicago, so I want to spend this cold weekend doing one of my favorite things ever, which is giving advice. I did this back in January and it was really fun, so we’re doing it again.
Post a question in the comments by Sunday night! I’ll probably answer these on Monday.
My comments section is limited to paid subscribers, to keep creeps away. If you’re a subscriber but not a paid subscriber (or if you want to stay anonymous), please feel free to respond to the email with your question instead of posting below.
Please don’t post your actual work. I’m not doing writing critiques.
The general idea here is writing-related questions, but that could include “I can’t focus!” or “My brother said my book was stupid!” as well as craft questions like “How do I know if 37 points of view is too many for a novella?” or publication-world questions like “How do I ask my agent on a date?” (Probably don’t ask your agent on a date.)
Meanwhile, you can catch up on what we discussed last time:
How do you know if a critique group is for you or not? Is it better to be sharing work with folks who have similar literary tastes or those working on really different projects? Whose opinions should you be seeking out when you’re trying to strengthen a manuscript??
Please share some ADHD-friendly tips for how to "get in the zone," especially when you're only working with scraps of time here and there