A month or two ago, I was watching a TV documentary about a small town that had been through hard times. They interviewed a real person named Cat Monster. I don't remember anything else about the documentary except her name. So if I end up with a character named Gerbil Demon in some future book, you'll know why.

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😂😂😂 As someone who hates naming characters and I constantly on baby name websites, I appreciated this greatly.

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This was a great read! Thanks.

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I have one I got for my first child, used for first book...so well-thumbed

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1) I'll share this post with my friend, Betsy Zajko. (She married into it, but her first name is so American, the combination is quite evocative. She's an actress, too.)

2) I was blessed on this point by writing a non-fiction prison memoir populated by the best moniker-makers on the planet. So: Jack Hammer, Thumper, Chainsaw, to name a few. Not a last name needed (or known), so didn't have to worry about getting sued.

3) While writing a screenplay, I visited a friend at his office in the 80s and saw a nameplate on a desk, and immediately stole it for the character of "Arlene Strax," a cougarish HR manager with a bitchy streak. Another actual co-worker of mine, at a temp job, was "Madonna Dymczynski" and I still have plans to somehow use her name. (Very unblessed of face, but very blessed of bosom, she volunteered at a Bayside police precinct and I think most of her service ended up being horizontal.)

4) My very favorite hobby is coming up with drag queen names. Some favorites: Cher Nobyl, May Hemline, Whitney Dallas-Fort Worth. Patsy DeCline was actually used by a close friend for a cabaret character she created in Denver, who had a very successful spin-off career with her own entire shows.

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